A packet loss can cause interruption in the network traffic therefore causing a miss in the network traffic giving you incomplete results. Fixing Packet Loss in Windows 7 can be difficult. Here is how you’re going to get it done:


Tip: Packet Loss can also be a problem if your router is broken or your ISP (service provider) is having technical problems. Call your ISP to do a test on your line – should take 5 minutes and is free

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1. StepControl Panel is the home to a lot of your computing activities so what you need to do at the first place is to head straight to Start Menu and locate Control Panel from the menu.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

2. StepLocate System and Security section in the Control Panel. The System and Security section in the Control Panel is where you’re going to find System related utilities.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

3. StepLocate Device Manager from the System and Security Windows in order to check for hardware issues that might persist in the machine.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

4. StepDevice Manager lists all your connected hardware and ad-on devices. Locate Network Adapters from the list. Packet Loss is an issue that persists due to the faults in Network Adapters.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

5. StepRight Click on the Ethernet Card that you have installed in your machine. Locate Properties from the menu.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

6. StepThe properties screen gives you Driver information about the hardware as well as it gives you the device status. Even when the device is working properly, it might drop packets.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

7.Move to the Advanced Tab and you can see the hardware properties and associated settings in the Window.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

6. StepLocate Speed and Duplex property from the Properties windows.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

6. StepThe Speed and Duplex of your ethernet card depends on the speed and duplex of the ethernet card installed in your machine. Adjust it according to the hardware. The best place to look for the Speed and Duplex is the box/package of your ethernet card.
How to fix Packet Loss in Windows 7?

This might not be very hard to do. In case you have any problem with this, do let us know through the form below and we will get back to you.