You want to turn your PC into a VPN? Enable incoming VPN connections. This can also often be done using software from your broadband router manufacturer

New incoming connection

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VPN’s allow you to access a private network through your computer, you are basically accessing another network and all traffic is tunneled, making a VPN a very secure solution for companies or advanced powerusers. Enabling it would make it easy for your system to accept and connect with the incoming VPN connections. In case you do not know, here is how to enable it:

1. StepType Control Panel in Run (Windows Hot Key + R) and press Enter

Type control panel in Run

2. StepClick on Network and Sharing Center

Select network and sharing center in Control Panel

3. StepClick Change adapter settings as shown on the top right hand corner of the left taskpane

Change Adapter settings

4. StepPress Alt + F to show the File menu, and click New Incoming Connection…

New incoming connection

5. StepSelect the users that can connect to this computer. I have only selected mine, thedev.

Who may connect to this computer - select the users that can connect and click Next

6. StepIn the next window, check Through the internet.

Check Through the Internet

7.Select the protocols that you want to allow, and clcik Allow access

Allow connections to this computer

8. Step Be patient. It is now giving access to the people you chose…

Giving access to people you chose

9. StepNote down your computer name as it would be used to connect from external source. When you click Close, you would see another connection in your Network connections, named Incoming Connections

Incoming connections