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How To Reset and Refresh Your PC in Windows 8 (New System Restore Feature)

In Windows 8 you can easily restore your PC to default factory settings or revert to a known good configuration using the “Reset Your PC” and “Refresh Your PC” features. It’s like the Windows 7 system restore feature – only much better.

Tip: As of right now the Windows 8 developer version allows you to easily reset and refresh your Windows 8 PC. This might change in the final version of Windows 8, but here’s how you would do it.

Refresh Your Windows 8 PC (Go Back To Known Configuration

1. Step Open the Control Panel

2. Step Go to option General

3. Step You can revert to a known state by refreshing your PC without affecting any of your files. Click on Getting Started below Refresh your PC without affecting your files

Text reads: 

Important: All your Metro apps will be kept. Malware etc will be scanned for and removed, but other apps will be lost for good.


Reset Your Windows 8 PC To Factory Default

If you sell your PC, you might want to reset your PC first, removing everything and resetting the configuration.

1. Step Repeat steps 1 – 2 above

2. Step You can now easily revert to the factory default, basically resetting your PC. Click on “Getting Started” below the option Reset your PC and start over

Text reads:

We’ll keep you posted on this and let you know how this feature will change in Windows 8 beta, Windows 8 RTM and the final version.