Adding Users Via Command Prompt You probably know how to add or remove user accounts in Windows 8 by now. If you are wondering if there is a quicker way, you can always use the command prompt to do this job.

Using the command prompt

Tip: The following shows the layout of Windows 8 Developer Preview, but the concept is the same on Windows 8 Consumer Preview

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The user account can easily be managed with the Graphical UI but in some cases, you might be accessing your PC remotely or performing a bulk user add/remove using a script, then you’d have to use the command prompt to do that.

1. Step In the Metro Start Menu, click on the lower left corner. The Start menu pops up. Click on Search.

metro search

2. Step In the Search App box, type cmd.

search app

3. Step Right click on the icon cmd, a bar appears at the bottom. Click on Advanced and select Run as administrator.

run as administrator

4. Step In the command prompt, type net user username password /ADD. Replace username and password with your desired username and its password.

command prompt

5. Step To remove a user, type net user username /DEL. Replace username with your desired username.

mouse pointers

Many advanced user account related function can be performed via the command prompt. Use the help feature to get an option of all command line parameters. /?