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Blogging Platforms: Top 5 Alternatives to b2evolution

If you are searching for a good alternative to B2Evolution, try the following tools

B2Evolution is an advanced blogging platform that includes not only the standard blog formats, but extras such as skins, plug-ins, and other options. It is slowly becoming obsolete, though, as these other programs take its place.

1) WordPress

Wordpress is easily one of the most popular and well known blogging platforms available on the internet today.

Advantages: WordPress is very user friendly, even for those without any programming knowledge. In addition to this, there is an enormous community of WordPress users to provide support and ideas for new and experienced users alike. It is also portable, allowing users to make updates to their blog from mobile phone or tablet computers.

Disadvantages: The main problem with WordPress is also one of its main benefits: the number of people who use the program. It is easy for a blog to get lost in the shuffle, unless the user pays a monthly subscription fee to purchase a domain with the same name as their blog.

Official Site:

2) Drupal

Drupal is an open-source software package that allows users to easily manage and organize all sorts of website content.

Advantages: The sheer variety of content options available through this program is one of the main benefits. Users can create corporate websites, discussion boards, personal blogs, or a host of others, all though one easy-to-use program.

Disadvantages: The program is not updated as quickly as it could be, and new releases tend to be very glitchy.

Official Site:

3) Tumblr

Tumblr is a microblogging site that has grown in popularity since the site was purchased by Yahoo! in 2013.

Advantages: Tumblr is eminently portable, providing an easy-to-use app for both supported Android and iOS devices. It allows users to post text blogs, videos, pictures and gifs, as well as other things. There are a number of both free and premium themes that a user can apply to make their blogs as unique as they are.

Disadvantages: Tumblr focuses on gaining followers, and without followers, there is little chance of a user’s content being seen.

Official Site:

4) Joomla

Joomla is a free open-source content management system.

Advantages: Joomla is fairly user friendly and easy to learn, even for inexperienced users. It is one of the most popular types of content managing software available.

Disadvantages: While it was one of the best programs at one point, it is quickly becoming overshadowed by newer and more intuitive content managing programs.

Official Site:

5) Concrete5

Concrete 5 is a very simple and easy-to-use program designed initially for beginning users and developers.

Advantages: The program is open source and free, but there is still a great support system for users. Instead of making changes and then applying them, this CMS provides the user with the ability to modify things in-context.

Disadvantages: While the learning curve is small, it is not a content manager designed for users with no experience whatsoever.

Official Site:

Blogging has become more and more popular as a source of entertainment and income. As such, there are a growing amount of sites to choose from to aid users in setting up these sites.