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How to clear flash cookies (LSO) in Chrome, Firefox, IE9

If you want to clear your cookies due to privacy concerns, you should know that there are many types of cookies. Flash cookies are cookies stored via flash that can be used to track your web activity more efficiently.

Important: Before you clean flash cookies, be warned that some sites may store information like high scores via flash. However you can individually delete flash cookies from other sites

Flash cookies are Local Shared Objects (short: LSO) that can store up to 100KB of information about you and they never expire (unless you delete them). Flash cookies can store information about your system and even your username.

Method 1: Deleting Flash Cookies via Flash Player Settings Manager Website

The problem with flash cookies is, that not all people know about it and many websites use them to track your activity this way.

Here’s how you would clear the cookies in Chrome.

1. Step Go to

2. Step You should now be at the tab “Flash Web Storage Settings”

3. Step Click on the button Delete all websites to delete their flash content including cookies. Keep in mind, some sites might use it to identify you – therefore you should make sure you have all password to login again.

4. Step If you don’t want to allow third party flash content to be stored on your PC, you can disable it completely.

For that, go to the 2nd icon Gloabl Storage Settings and uncheck the option Allow third party flash content to store data on your computer

Method 2: Deleting Flash Cookies via Extensions and Add-ons

If you run Firefox, you should consider downloading the add-on BetterPrivacy

Download BetterPrivacy

With BetterPrivacy you can automatically delete LSO’s when you close Firefox, very convenient.