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Download WinRAR for Windows 7

Do you want to download WinRAR for Windows 7? Apparently, WinRAR is not as popular as many think it is. I recently received a couple mails from some of you who did not know what .rar files are. You definitely need to know how to open RAR files in Windows 7 , because many sites offer them (You will find only .zip on here with a few exceptions).

Instead of downloading WinRAR for Windows 7, I often recommend people to give 7zip for Windows 7 a try. 7zip is a tool that can open RAR files and plenty of other file formats.You can find 7zip on our list of TOP10 Windows 7 Applications

WinRAR is only available as a free trial and that means that you can only use it for 30 days without annoying messages. Although WinRAR is one of those tools that allow you to use the trial shareware for longer than that you will receive a notice every time you start WinRAR. So, basically it’s pretty annoying.

Download WinRAR for Windows 7

You can download WinRAR for Windows 7 over at, here’s the download site:

Download WinRAR 3.93

WinRAR 3.93 is the latest WinRAR edition that can be downloaded from their site (last update March 15th), it includes a couple bugfixes and other important updates.

Download WinRAR Windows 7 Themes

The only advantage of WinRAR might be that there are plenty of WinRAR themes. Yep, there are themes for WinRAR, but I suppose that 7zip will soon offer something similar.

(WinRAR Theme)

WinRAR 3.93 supports both Windows 7 x86 and x64 (pick the correct edition). If you don’t know the difference, I suggest you read this article: What Windows Version do you have?