The parental controls now can be configured to deliver weekly reports, here’s how you enable the feature in the first place


Parental Controls

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Parental controls is an excellent feature of Windows 8 and provides you with the best way to gain ultimate access of the internet and restrict some websites of adult and pornographic nature to your children. The parental controls in Windows are always present but not many people know about it. This feature allows the parents to monitor their kids’ activity online and let them browse the interest safely without their knowledge that you are watching over them.

It is important in our times to keep our children safe from adult oriented websites due to the sheer amount of unsafe viruses and trojans hidden in these websites. Here is how you can enable parental controls in Windows 8:

1. StepPress Windows Hot Key + R to initiate Run and type in Control Panel and press Enter.

Control Panel type

2. StepOnce you are in Control Panel, you should have a view enabled by small icons as shown below:

View by small icons

3. StepOnce you are able to see all of the options, just click on Parental Controls

Parental Controls

4. StepSince I only have one account, I clicked on it and Windows asked me that I cannot make parental controls on my own admin account and have to create a new one. I opted Yes and was taken to this window where I made a new user with the name Kids:

5. StepNow that I am done with a new user account, I would click it to make changes:

6. StepA new window would pop up. Select On, enforce current settings under Parental Controls: As you can see in this screenshot, the parental controls would be enforced when clicked OK. However you have no restrictions for Time Limits, Game ratings, and Program Limits.

Kids account options

7.It is important you make changes to the restrictions. Let us start one by one by changing the Windows Web Filter settings: Under Which parts of the internet can Kids visit? select Block some websites or content. However since my drive is on the FAT partition, this option would not work. I was given a windows warning that it is important to convert from FAT to NTFS file system for the parental controls to work properly.

Web Filter settings

8. StepNow control when can your child log in to your system. For this, go back to the previous window and click Time Limits. Once you are in, you can easily select when can the kid log in the system. You can restrict the access and give permissions to your kids account to use it at specified times of the day according to the local timings of your system as shown below:

Kids account options

Kids time restriction

In the above image, I have highlighted the hours in which the access shall be blocked for kids account. The system would be available to be accessed only in between 1 to 5 PM from Sundays to Saturdays. For you, make changes any way you want.


In a similar manner, you can make changes to gaming systems and programs. It is important that we have parental controls enabled on our PC to monitor the activity of our children.