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Google Reader Alternatives: 5 Programs To Subscribe To RSS Feeds

We have scoured the web to find programs to subscribe to your favorite RSS feeds

Tip: Did you know that Windows 7 themes also support RSS? Find out more here

Google Reader has been retired in favor of some of the search engine giant’s other services, but there are many who miss the convenience and options offered by that service. Those who miss Google Reader and want something similar should consider checking out the services below, which offer many of the same options as the old program but are still very much alive.

1) The Old Reader

This program came about shortly after the announcement that Google Reader would be shutting down. As the name suggests, it emulates the “old” version of Google Reader, back when Google supplied more tools and before it began phasing out support over the past year. This reader has all of the old system’s functionality, although it does currently lack an official mobile app. That isn’t to say that you can’t use the Old Reader on your tablet or mobile device, though, since the service does encourage many different third party apps.

2) NewsBlur

If you’re looking for a reader service that provides the familiar feel of Google Reader with a few new bells and whistles, NewsBlur might be the right program for you. Many different display options allow you to customize this tool to your needs, and the program is available as an app for mobile devices and smartphones. A free account allows you to subscribe to a limited number of blogs and stories, but this cap can be eliminated by buying the premium edition for only $24 per year.

3) Feedly

Feedly was an alternative to Google Reader even before Google shut their service down. This means that this long-standing contender has had plenty of time for its team to improve and refine the service. Among the various bells and whistles is a syncing service. The service also has browser add-ons for Chrome and Firefox as well as a mobile version that increases its versatility. If you want a service that has everything Google used to offer and more, this might be the version for you.

4) Pulse

Pulse works a little differently than other alternative programs because it relies on news filtering algorithms that are designed to meet your preferences. On the one hand, that can mean that you don’t always get what you are looking for immediately. On the other hand, that means that Pulse can sometimes introduce you to different sites and services that you otherwise wouldn’t run into. This service does offer mobile apps and web apps, giving you a chance to use the service in any way you would like.

While it’s unfortunate that Google Reader is now a thing of the past, the good news is that there are many different alternatives out there that offer just as high quality a service. In fact, many of them offer new options that weren’t previously available with Google Reader, while others provide some new bells and whistles that will give you a unique experience not found with any other program. Take your pick and enjoy the service that best fits your needs.