Is your Internet Explorer 9 messed up? Wait, I’ll show you what it could possibly look like:
Back when IE7 and IE8 was the first choice, a lot of people changed the position of the address bar. Unfortunately, the same registry hack no longer works in IE9. Instead, you get a black bar when you try to customize IE9 and move the address bar below the other bars.
1. Step Open the registry editor
2. Step Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser
3. Step If it does not exist, this is not your problem, look somewhere else. If it does, proceed below.
4. Step Delete the registry key ITBar7Position or change its value to 0
5. Step Restart Internet Explorer 9
6. Step Done
I hope this will help some of you to remove the black bar. It really ain’t pretty. Luckily this fix is really easy.
Wow, it worked! Thanks a ton; I had been looking forward to trying this browser out but hated that huge ugly glitch.
Yea that black bar is really ugly. It’s a leftover from old versions of Internet Explorer. The IE9 apparently does not use that registry key, so when it exists it messes up your layout big time and adds that black bar
My black bar appeared right after loading latest Java version. If the above doesn’t work for you, try reverting to the just prior version of Java.
Check this link:
Worked for me where registry change suggested above didn’t.
I use windows vista and there is no registry key ITBar7Position under the webbrowser, just ITBar7Height and ITBar7Layout.
I do hate the black bar,so please help me to remove it.
Thank you!
I have the same as Naim, I hate that ugly bar, please help!
Have you tried deleting ITBar7Height and the other? (after making a backup: right-click->Export)
Deleting the keys is safe as long as you make a correct backup
You could also try to install IE10 or another browser