This is a tutorial that will help you to login as a administrator in Windows 7.
In order to login as a administrator, you will first have to activate the “hidden” administrator account.
Activating the hidden admin account!
Goto “Start” and enter “cmd.exe” into the search field. (Cmd stands for Command)
Hold CTRL + Shift and hit Enter to run cmd.exe with administrator privileges.
If you need more instructions, read “How to open command prompt in Windows 7“.
Enter the following line into the command line prompt:
net user administrator /active:yes
Logoff and login as adminstrator
You will notice that there is a new account on your login screen.
This doesn’t work if you lost the password to the Administrator account you built. You still need administrative rights to run this command.
Mmmm, can anyone explain to me where this might be useful?
UM, right I have done this but it says error 5 occured?
Ok, I’ve done so and it works. Thx. :)
But I have one question: can I hide the “Administrator” account in the login screen, so that the account is still active but doesn’t appear in the login screen?
you can simply change the password to the admin if you dont know it.
start command prompt
type “net user” find the admin user name from the list and type
“net user “name” *”” mine would be NET USER TODD *
then type the new password and retype the password. it probably will not show up on screen but it will change it.
reboot and logon using the new password.
@Thim yes you can hide the account at the login screen, is done in the registry I have done it before, g00gle it, is how I found out
matzis – You have to open command prompt as as an Admin to use this command.
Right click on CMD and click “Run as Adminstrator”
I also get the System error 5 has occurred.
It looks like this answer is in error!