More and more programs require you to sync settings with your mobile devices. We have reviewed 4 alternatives to SyncMate that you can use…
Windows How-To Guides 2023
Running Old Programs on Windows 8: Still Troublesome, Here’s How To Run Them
Old programs cause trouble running on modern versions of Windows. We show you how to run them in this post. Read on..
Use Reliability Monitor To Find Cause For System Crash / Blue screens and Improve System Stability
We have reviewed Reliability Monitor, a free, built-in app in Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 to help you track down the reasons for system…
Where Are The Taskbar Icons Stored And How To Move Them To A QuickLaunch Folder
If you want to create a quick-launch toolbar and move some of your existing taskbar icons you need to know where the taskbar icons…
Bot Revolt Anti-Malware stops malware from attacking your PC
Malware aren’t good in any way. Want to know how to be safe from being attacked by a malware? We have reviewed Bot Revolt…
Full Guide: How To Mine Megacoin Without A Pool And Triple Your Money In 1 Year
The Bitcoin and Litecoin craze is slowing down. Now is a good time to take a look at alternative virtual currencies such as Megacoin,…
How To Change The Desktop Folder Icon Via Folder Properties (Windows 7 or 8)
If you are new to Windows 7 or 8, you may put a lot of folder desktop shortcuts on your desktop, so you can…
4 Trello Alternatives: Project Management Applications For Windows
Got a cool project going on? Keep track using one of the following 4 Trello Alternatives!
4 WinDirStat Alternatives: Drive Space Analyzer For Windows
WinDirStat is a great program to check and analyze your drives, but there are many alternatives
How to Turn System Protection On or Off in Windows 8
This tutorial would show you how to turn on or off system protection in Windows 8 to help you revert back to last used…
Secure File Deletion: How to permanently delete files using Securely
Permanently deleting files & folders is not possible without a 3rd party-app installed in Windows. We have reviewed Securely, a free app for permanently…
3 Security Tools and Programs For Windows
There are several security & system tools available online. Want to know the 3 most important tools you need for Windows? Read on for…
Using Anvide Lock Folder to keep your files & folders locked
Anvide Lock Folder helps you to secure your data by password-protecting files and folders. We have reviewed it herein.
Notepad++ Keep file in editor: Suppress Warnings, Update Silently
Notepad++ is a great text editor and everyone who hasn’t used it yet should upgrade immediately