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Registry Tweaks: Disable “Close programs to prevent information loss”

Windows 7 monitors your memory and gives you a warning: “Close programs to prevent information loss” when you run oom, out of ma.. memory. To disable that annoying message you need to disable certain parts of the diagnostics service. Here’s how.

I am not sure if it was a memory problem, but in some cases Windows seems to automatically close programs when you run out of memory. I am still not sure if this is also the case after disabling the diagnostic service RADAR, but I will keep you posted.

Untested: It might help to simply remove radardt.dll and radarrs.dll from C:\Windows\system32

Automatic: Registry Tweak To Disable “Close Programs” Message

Update: You need to remove the registry keys manually. The keys are protected, so you need to open the registry editor and remove them yourself, the tweak will not work.

You can download this registry file that will automatically remove the registry keys that are responsible for the diagnostic service to monitor your memory.

Disable close programs to prevent informations loss registry tweak

Manual: Remove Registry Keys

Update: You need to remove the registry keys manually. The keys are protected, so you need to open the registry editor and remove them yourself, the tweak will not work.

Optionally, you can simply insert this into a text file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




This registry tweak will disable the message and it will also stop closing programs automatically when you run out of memory. Very useful, but you still need to take care that you don’t run out of memory, so try to close your programs regularly.

Any registry tweaks can make your system unstable, so I do not take any responsibility for lost data, so make sure not to overdo it and possibly crash your memory. Most Windows features are there for a reason!