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Save and restore desktop icon layout in Windows 7!

save and restore desktop icon layout in Windows 7 Do you hate it when your desktop icon layout gets messed up and you have to restore your personal, customized layout MANUALLY one by one? Well, here’s a simple solution to save and restore desktop icon layouts in Windows 7.

Your desktop icon layout can also easily get messed up when you change the screen resolution or if someone else is using your PC, that’s when you need DesktopOK to restore your old desktop layout in a matter of seconds!

A handy feature of DesktopOK is that it can save the desktop layout for different screen resolutions. So, if there are multiple persons sharing a PC with you then all of you can save their own desktop icon layout in Windows 7 and restore it when it’s needed at whatever screen resolution they were using before.

DesktopOK is a portable lightweight app that will work on basically all Windows versions, not just Windows 7. An autosave feature will make sure that you don’t forget to create a “backup” of your desktop icon layout.

Download DesktopOK

save desktop icon layout in Windows 7

Tips for saving desktop icon layout on Windows 7:
By default DesktopOK will save the desktop icon layout in a file on your desktop. Because this can be problematic on some Windows 7 setups, you should rename DesktopOK.exe to DesktopOK_reg.exe.

When you rename it to DesktopOK_reg.exe it will save the desktop in the registry instead of storing it in a file on your desktop.

The registry path is: HKCU/Software/

Run it from command line:
If you want to run this from command line, because you want to prepare your desktop at specific time intervals for example, you can start DesktopOK via the Command Promt:

Save Desktop Icon Layout via Command Line
DesktopOK.exe /save /silent c:\icon_lay.dok
DesktopOK.exe /save “c:\long path name\icon_lay.dok”

Restore Desktop Icon Layout via Command Line
DesktopOK.exe /load /silent c:\icon_lay.dok