Are you trading with stocks? Have you bought some Microsoft stocks or are you interested in DOW Jones and Co?
Well, the bad news are that Microsoft had to remove the stock gadget from Windows 7 RTM (all editions).
Dow jones, who is the provider of the “Dow Jones Industrial Average” quote feed to the Win 7 in-box stock gadget, wants a EULA agreement to be shown and accepted for any user before they can see the data from their feed in the stock gadget.
Luckily there are many 3rd party gadgets available.

I don’t fully understand why they had to remove the stock gadget. There are many sites that display realtime stats of Dow Jones, NASDAQ and other indizes, but I suppose it’s all about “pre-installation” without user confirmation. When someone visits a website and requests a realtime quote he does it on purpose and they have to agree to the EULA of the site. Did you know that you have to accept the TOS of a website or you are not “allowed” to visit a site? Of course no one cares, but I guess it makes all the difference.
Download Stock Gadget
Anyway, I hope that this stock gadget for Windows 7 helps your trading endeavours!
Almost 100,000 downloads. Pretty popular gadget by now!
Do you know of a stock gadget that can display Dow Jones and NASDAQ stats in the taskbar without taking up Desktop real estate? I would love this feature.
Bill, I will look into it and will post some other good stock gadgets that I find.
I downloaded the stock ticker you suggested on your site, however, I have a problem with it in that when I list my stocks, it decides to add a commodity at the end! I check my list carefully (all 20) and I can’t see any request for oil, yet when I close the list, and the gadget comes up, there it is on my list!
I see that the writer mentions to email him, yet, I cant find an email address to ask him. Do you know one? Or, a solution to the problem? Thanks in advance.
Roger, did you try to save you stock list as a file (all 20) and then load it from the file.
I also can’t find any contact address, but click on the little help icon and there are some tips. Also another solution would be to add stock symbols of stocks that don’t exist or simply add 10 more stocks that you want on your watchlist anyway .. and then you have filled all 30 spots. Besides, the oil price affects many other industries so why not keep it?
I’ve uploaded the stock gadget in case it should go down:
Download stock gadget
I’ve used this gadget since I installed Windows 7 and all was great for a long time. Now, no matter what I do, or where I put it, ^DJI no longer displays the Dow. What is going on?
Change ^DJI to INDU and it works again! (without the ^)
Hi folks, I have a client that’s missing this function in the upgrade to Win 7. Can this app load the German Dax index ($DE:Dax)?
Juan, yes you can add the DAX to this gadget. In fact, you only need to lookup the stock symbol for the DAX at and add it.
I’ve already done that
1. Click on the options icons
2. Select empty line and enter ^gdaxi (for dax)
3. Finally click on save icon
On a sidenote, the TecDax is much more interesting. You can add it via ^TECDAX. I’ll consider investing into the DAX in late 2012 again, when we’re possibly in a recession again ;)
You can also load other indices and commodities by clicking on the open icon.
This is the best one I’ve seen so far. I’m sorry the org had to be pulled from the OS, but this is an upgrade!
Under Win7 64 bit, after deleting all entries, I cannot add more than 4 lines to display… weird
I added the EUROUS=X value but get only the price, no %, variation…
And now INDU does not work for the DOW Jones info. Is there a new work-around or is the ^DJI/INDU information totally inaccessible now?
No help for the wicked. Seems we’re all wicked now.
Microsoft has ‘retired’ the gadget gallery.
“The Windows Live Gallery has been retired. In order to focus support on the much richer set of opportunities available for the newest version of Windows, Microsoft is no longer supporting development or uploading of new Gadgets.”
I too have lost DJI (^DJI) and found INDU not functional. Not just this tool. Google desktop sidebar also lost its functionality for DJI. All else continued working – Did maybe yahoo change a hook?
Is no one going to address the ^DJI issue? I like this tool but I’m going to have to dump it without this feature.
You can get a real good approximation of the DJI by taking DIA and multiplying by 100.1. In stocks gadged you could enter DOW:=[DIA]*100.1
Beautiful!!!! The entry in the gadget of DOW:=[DIA]*100.1 instead of DJI or INDU works PERFECT. Thank you very much “Jaguar”, you have made my year. I have not been able to get the Dow on my gadget to work consistently for almost a year now. Great suggestion!
That is an inspired suggestion, a big time solution to this problem. Only downside I can see is that it’s not in real time like the indexes. So now my NASDAQ and S&P 500 entries are real time, my “calculated” DJI is delayed 15 minutes. No big deal and a huge improvement.
Try, DJI:=[^DJX]*99.996813
That matches the ^DJI for me.
Dji::: The eur to usd euro95 nl gbp to eur and daimler is not working can you help me to get them back????
thank you
DJI: I forgot, thank you for the help with the djx 99 .996813 it works very well.
Enjoy this widget very much and the DJX works great (with the only exception does not show the increase of value but beggars can’t be choosy). Anyone have any idea how to move the widget from the middle right hand corner to the top right hand corner. The right click move option does not work; the drag option is blacked out. I am stuck. Any assistance would be great.
Is it possible to change the time to match my timezone?
Just wondering if anyone had figured out a way to add Tock options quotes or know of a widget that displays stock options. Thanks in advance