If you want to get rid of iTunes, learn how to uninstall it after the break.

How to uninstall iTunes?

iTunes are into the industry these days with the Apple Music devices ruling the world of gadgets. iTunes is authored by Apple Inc. and provides complete support with the software. Uninstalling programs sometimes become an issue for new computer users. Here is how you do this:

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1. StepLocate “Control Panel” from the list of applications and utilities in the “Start Menu”. Click on “Control Panel”.
Start Menu Screenshot

2. StepLocate the Programs Section on the control panel section and click “Uninstall a program”.
Control Panel Screenshot

3. StepWindows 7 has the Uninstall a Program utility that lists every software application installed on the system.
List of programs installed

4. StepFrom the list of programs, find “iTunes” and click the “Uninstall” button on the top ribbon.
iTunes amongst the list of Applications installed

5. StepThe uninstall feature will give you a warning asking you to make sure if you were wishing to uninstall iTunes.
Uninstallation Wizard

6. StepThe Windows Installer is going to prepare the uninstall itself.
Windows Installer preparing to remove iTunes

7.Windows Installer is going to install iTunes in a matter of seconds.

8. StepThe last step is going to ask you to restart your computer so that the settings that have been changed become effective.
Restart Error

I am not sure if i was able to list down the steps properly. Just in case you find anything difficult, drop us through the following contact form and we’ll get down to you as soon as possible.