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Using Anvide Lock Folder to keep your files & folders locked

Anvide Lock Folder helps you to secure your data by password-protecting files and folders. We have reviewed it herein.

Importance of securing data

We all know how important it is to secure our data from non-authorized individuals. This situations is particularly when using a shared or a public system where several users login. You would want to make sure that you keep your login password-protected to keep dirty hands off of your safe data. However, we all are human beings and at times, may forget to lock our system when not in use. In situations like these it important to have your files & folders password-protected so that nobody can tinker with your private data. For this purpose, we have reviewed Avide Lock Folder, an excellent portable free app requiring on installation on Windows.

Anvide Lock Folder allows you to hide or lock several files & folders using a master password that you can use to access your content. It can be used either on USB drive or your hard disk. Not only is it simple to use, but also comes with good amount of handy features. This makes Anvide Lock Folder, a highly recommended app by Windows7themes.

When you open up this program, you would have the option of choosing amongst any 1 of the 4 languages supported by the program. Check the language icon and click the Tick mark.

Main interface of the program

Once you are in, you are presented with several buttons on the top as well as the list of locked folders just below. By default, since you are using this app for the first time, there are no locked folders to be shown. Now click the + button on the top right and select the folder of your choice to lock. Once done, click the Lock button and bingo. Similarly you can also click the unlock button to unhide the locked folders.

But just hiding a folder isn’t enough. You need a strong password to safely protect your vulnerable data. To do that, click on the Wrench icon, then the Settings tab and type in the password. Once done, click the Tick button.


For high end users requiring extreme level of protection, Anvide Lock Folder might not be a great app for use. However for people who like to keep things simple and straightforward, this program is an excellent addition in their system. It isn’t very advanced, but does perform the basic functions of locking your folders. It works on Windows 7, 8, XP and Vista.